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**Licensed to practice Law in Oregon
Property Crimes in Oregon
The attorneys at Atlas Law Group can assist you in a wide variety of property crimes, ranging from shoplifting to embezzlement, burglary and identity theft.
Property crimes can range from low level misdemeanors to high level felonies. It is not uncommon in cases of multiple thefts, for the state to aggregate the charges to increase the severity of the charge and penalty a person could be facing. In other cases that fall under ORS 137.717, or Oregon’s Repeat Property Offender Statute, a person could be facing a prison sentence based on their prior criminal history.
Theft crimes range from misdemeanor to felonies. The definition of theft is the unlawful taking of property from another. This could be a shoplift, or the unlawful taking of merchandise from a store. It can also be pawning an item that was stolen or receiving (accepting) property that another person took. Embezzlement is used in a business context, and usually involves the taking by an employee of business funds or assets.
Burglary is the unlawful entering of a place, without permission to enter, and with the intent to commit a crime. Many people often believe that a break-in must occur for there to be a burglary. That is not the case. Walking into someone’s house through an open door with the intent of taking their houseplant is a burglary.
Burglary is a felony crime. The severity of a burglary can be increased depending on whether the place entered was a dwelling (a home) or if the dwelling was occupied (people were in the home). In addition, burglary is a crime that comes under repeat property offenses.
Identity Theft
Identity Theft cases can include forgery of a check, using another person’s credit card or identification without permission, and can also involve complex cases of credit card fraud involving computers and other electronics. This is another area where the consequences can range from a misdemeanor to high level felony and repeat property offenses.
Repeat Property Offenses
These charges include mandatory prison sentences if you have previously been convicted of a property crime. While prior felony or misdemeanor criminal history may trigger a repeat property sentence, a prison sentence can only be ordered with a conviction for a felony crime. There are situations where a person has been charged with multiple offenses, has no prior criminal property convictions, but could still come under the repeat property statute.
These charges include:
Aggravated Theft
Burglary in the First Degree/Burglary in the Second Degree
Aggravated Identity Theft
Theft in the First Degree
Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle
Mail Theft
Criminal Mischief in the First Degree
Computer Crime
Robbery in the Third Degree
Forgery in the First Degree
Possession of a Forged Instrument in the First Degree
Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card
Identity Theft
Possession or Trafficking a Stolen Vehicle

Property crimes can be complex, and the facts of each case can vary widely. If you have been charged with any of the crimes listed above, you need the immediate help of experienced criminal defense attorneys. Contact Kollie Law Group today so that we can help you.